Since I was sports editor of
my high school newspaper, I have enjoyed reporting what's happened, said and done that impacts people's lives.
been a journalist for nearly my entire adult life, with many positive
memories. To be fair, there have been some negative times.
I remember more positive comments and
reactions to my stories than negative responses, which keeps me
motivated and interested. Those memories are not all due to the most
important stories I've written: Many are from human interest and
feature stories I wrote about someone's neighbor, friend or family
As the world has changed, journalism hasn't fared
too well. Reporters are no longer seen in the favorable light I experienced
during my early- and mid-career years. Still, I receive more pats
on the back than critical social media or email comments.
there's another imporant reason I'm a journalist. U.S. Sen. Amy
Klobuchar of Minnesota said it well when she talked about the
importance of local journalism to the Senate Judiciary
"This is where they get their disaster
alerts. This is when they find out if there's a flood …. This is
how they find out about the fire cleanup .... This is how they find
out if a blizzard is coming … ."
"It's also where they find out their
local football scores and if a business is opening. … It's how the
city council is reported on. If that goes away, it literally frays at
the connections in our democracies."
I keep returning
to the belief that if I can write a story that encourages someone to
get educated or involved in their community, government or
neighborhood, I've made a difference. I always strive to produce
journalism that helps uphold democracy, informs the public and
connects communities.
That's why I am a journalist.